Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
Oncogene cooperation enhancing TLX1 positive leukemia development
Project gerealiseerd door Alexandra Bacquelaine Veloso, ondersteund door de Fondsen Catharina Weekers, Raymond Wuyts, Arlette Lemaître, Yvette Gembauve & Cambier-Sandra.
Our work focus on one of T-ALL subtypes characterized by the ectopic expression of the transcription factor TLX1, which is found in 30% of adult T-ALL patients. Characterization of TLX1 transcriptional complex and its role in T-ALL growth its unclear and needed. Thus, we aim to identify members of TLX1 transcriptional complex and their role on T-ALL survival possibly providing new targets for clinical therapy to kill adult T-ALL.