Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen
Steun aan het onderzoeksproject "Is isolated REM-Sleep-without-Atonia (iRSWA) a very early biomarker of Parkinson’s disease?" dat zal worden gerealiseerd door prof. dr. D. Crosiers
Project realised by David Crosiers: REM sleep behavior disorder is a common and specific prodromal symptom of Parkinson's disease and Multiple System Atrophy. In this study, we will evaluate different biomarkers (cardial scintigraphy, olfactory testing and alpha-synuclein in serum neuronal exosomes) in patients with isolated REM sleep without atonia (iRSWA). If these biomarkers are already abnormal in iRSWA patients at individual level, these diagnostic strategy will allow to identify PD and MSA patients in a very early stage.