
Bolster the debate around the future of Europe.

Ever since the Foundation was founded, we have been working to strengthen democracy in Europe. One major element in these efforts is the development of a strong network to improve collaboration around Europe-wide topics, for the sake of Europe's future and every citizen of Europe.

To realise this ambition, we work closely together in a long-term partnership with the European Policy Centre (EPC) and the Egmont Institute. On top of that, the launch of an alliance consisting of the EPC and national think tanks is due to enhance collaboration on important European topics. This alliance will be based at the European Think Tank House in Brussels.

Topics high on the agenda include the expansion policy of the European Union into the Western Balkan region, support for humanitarian projects and the media sector in Ukraine, and the Russian media in exile.

Europe in brief

  • We enhance collaboration around several European topics.
  • We are developing a strong European network to safeguard democracy in Europe.
  • We support humanitarian projects in Ukraine.

Europe is part of the programme Europe & international

Calls for projects

Nike Community Impact Fund The Netherlands 2025

Financial support for non-profits and community organizations in Amsterdam, Amersfoort, Hilversum, and Utrecht to promote youth sports and build active, inclusive communities.


Nike Community Impact Fund 2023 Berlin

For stronger communities in Berlin, thanks to the power of sport.

Selection announced

Nike Community Impact Fund 2023 Paris

For stronger communities in Paris, thanks to the power of sport.

Selection announced


Projects to prevent disadvantaged teenagers from dropping out of school, in Conakry and Tormelin

Improving the quality of teaching and providing a suitable learning environment (revision sessions, sanitary towels for girls, support for the parents and friends’ association, e…

Lutte contre le décrochage scolaire en milieux rural et urbain

Financial support for the NGO ReLAIS, to fight against school drop-out of vulnerable adolescents from villages and cities in Guinea.

Fighting school drop-out among vulnerable adolescents in the Conakry-Tormelin axis, Guinea.

Improving the quality of teaching and fighting factors that encourage children to be absent from school.

Funds and philanthropic tools

Tout Pour Être Heureux (Fonds)

Let's give our young people more of a future by developing their psychosocial skills so they can face the challenges of everyday life and prevent risky behaviour

Monaco Aide et Présence (Internationaal Fonds Vrienden van)

We manage & finance sustainable development through education, health, community development, emergency & humanitarian aid projects.

Euroclear Charity Account

Euroclear Charity Account supports charitable organisations active in Social & Financial Inclusion, Education, Alleviation of Poverty and Protection of the Environment


Revisiting Congo’s history to build its future


“Our citizens have always refused to surrender.”
Elikia M’Bokolo

The FXBVillage model helps the poorest in the world to regain their dignity, with sustained results


"Our approach simultaneously addresses five aspects in an integrated way: nutrition, health, education, healthy housing and environment, and economic empowerment."
Christine Eggs
Director of FXB