Apply for support

Answer a call for projects

Are you, as an individual or an organisation, looking for (financial) support to conduct a project of general interest in Belgium or abroad?

If so, then answer one of our calls for projects. The King Baudouin Foundation supports organisations and citizens who are working for the common good in numerous fields such as health, the fight against poverty, the environment and heritage, in Belgium as well as internationally.

(International) Fundraising

Are you, as an organisation, working for the common good in Belgium and/or internationally, looking for effective ways of fundraising?

The King Baudouin Foundation has a broad network that can help you to raise funds among your supporters in Belgium, Europe, and/or internationally (e.g. in the USA, Canada, Asia, Australia etc.) and this in total transparency. Your project will gain greater visibility and your donors will benefit from tax advantages.

Find a call that suits your project

Calls for projects soon to be closed

Elisabeth & Amélie Fund - access to water - 2025

Support for projects of Belgian organizations working in countries in the southern hemisphere to improve access to water.

Soon to be closed!

Affordable innovations for mobility

Supporting purpose-driven start-ups developing affordable hardware solutions to enhance mobility and/or quality of life for people with limited mobility.


Culturele Mecenaatsrekening - 2025B

Raising funds to realise an artistic creation in the performing or plastic arts.


Which option to choose for fundraising?

There are various philanthropic tools for fundraising for your project. We are here to help you and adapt them to what best meets your needs and wishes.

Inspiring engagement

Slaapkwaliteit dementie

Soft sound improves sleep quality in dementia

"On the one hand, poor sleep leads to additional problems for patients, which also affects their caregivers, often resulting in institutionalisation. On the other hand, we wonder whether poor-quality deep sleep could worsen the disease or perhaps even contribute to its development."
Prof. Dr. Maarten Van Den Bossche
KU Leuven

Sportswitch: THE recycling center for sports clothing

Inclusive transition

“We want to raise awareness about the sustainability of sports clothing.”
Fran Verwimp
Project Manager of SportSwitch