Make a donation

Would you, as an individual, a business or an organisation, like to support an initiative or a Fund managed by the King Baudouin Foundation, either in Belgium and/or abroad? If so, you can make a donation safely and quickly.

A donation and tax certificate

In Belgium: new regulations for the tax deductibility of donations. Mandatory mention of your national register number or company number on all tax certificates. Have you not yet provided this information? Submit it via our online form. This way, your donation remains tax-deductible. Thank you for your cooperation!

A donation is a transfer to others of some element of heritage, without any advantage being incurred by the donor. The form most widely known is a cash donation, often in the form of a bank transfer. Subscriptions of various types, including to magazines, and transfers that give the right in return to an advantage for the donor, cannot be considered as donations.

An unconditional donation entitles the donor to tax relief, subject to certain conditions and in accordance with the tax legislation of the country concerned.
The King Baudouin Foundation can issue tax certificates in Belgium, the Netherlands, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, France and Denmark for donations made to Funds managed by the King Baudouin Foundation. 
Each of these countries has its own tax legislation. To find out how tax certificates are issued, click on your country of residence.

Belgium     Netherlands     Grand Duchy of Luxembourg     France     Denmark     Other European countries - TGE     Outside Europe - Myriad

Find a project to support and make a donation

Donors can support:

  • The King Baudouin Foundation, which is then free to use the donation to achieve its general objectives. How do you go about it?
  • Bank transfer to account number IBAN BE10 0000 0000 0404 BIC GEBABEBB specifying structured code +++ 230/0000/00020 +++ in the message (or payment subject).

  • King Baudouin Foundation donation page: make a donation to the KBF.

  • A specific philanthropic tool hosted by the King Baudouin Foundation. How do you go about it?
  • Bank transfer to account number IBAN BE10 0000 0000 0404 BIC GEBABEBB, specifying the structured code assigned to the philanthropic tool in the message (or payment subject). 
  • Payment from a dedicated online donation page accessible via the search engine below.
    For all online donations, the King Baudouin Foundation works with an external partner (Ingenico Payment Services), which guarantees respect for your privacy and the secure entry of all your transaction data.

Recognition and agreements with the King Baudouin Foundation in Europe

Tax regulations in Belgium

Donations in Belgium: new regulations for the tax deductibility of donations. Mandatory mention of your national register number or company number on all tax certificates. Have you not yet provided this information? Submit it via our online form. This way, your donation remains tax-deductible. Thank you for your cooperation!

The King Baudouin Foundation is an organisation approved by the Federal Public Service Finance which can issue tax certificates entitling donors to tax relief.
Donations of at least 40 euros a year to the King Baudouin Foundation give rise to tax relief of 45% of the amount actually paid, which is shown on the tax certificate issued by the Foundation. The grouped tax certificate for all donations made to or via the King Baudouin Foundation during the calendar year is sent at the end of February of the following year by post or e-mail (provided that the King Baudouin Foundation has the donor’s e-mail address).
In addition, the King Baudouin Foundation takes charge of forwarding all the information contained on the tax certificates to FPS Finance so that it can be included in private individuals and companies’ tax returns. However, if the donations do not appear on the tax return, the donor can enter them in the box provided. 
All the information on the tax reduction is available on the FPS Finance website

Would you like to receive a dedicated tax certificate after each donation? 
Would you like to receive a duplicate of your certificate? 
Would you like a certificate to be issued for the date of a donation you made in the last few days of December which was received in our account no later than the third working day of the following year? 
Would you like to contact us about your tax certificate?  

You can contact us by e-mail at or by telephone on +32 2 500 54 00.


Tax regulations in Luxembourg

In accordance with the direct tax administration’s circular L.I.R. (income tax law) no. 112/2, the King Baudouin Foundation is authorised to issue tax receipts to donors who are resident in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Donors established in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg who wish to make a donation to or via the King Baudouin Foundation can benefit from certain tax advantages. 
For philanthropic tools giving entitlement to a tax reduction, for each donation made, the King Baudouin Foundation issues a dedicated tax receipt by post or e-mail (provided that the Foundation has the donor's e-mail address).
This certificate is accompanied by form 720, which proves tax approval. 
Full details of the tax reduction are available on the Luxembourg tax authorities’ website

Luxembourg donations to certain projects, such as a ‘Friends of’ Fund, a European Friends Fund, an International Friends Fund, a project account, a cultural patronage account for the performing arts/museums and a solidarity account for schools, are not eligible for a tax certificate issued by the King Baudouin Foundation.

Would you like to receive a duplicate of your certificate? 
Would you like to contact us about your tax certificate?  

You can contact us by e-mail at or by telephone on +32 2 500 54 00.

Tax regulations in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, the King Baudouin Foundation has been recognised as an ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) since 1 January 2008. Its RSIN number is 8237.85.385.
Donors established in the Netherlands who wish to make a donation to or via the King Baudouin Foundation can benefit from certain tax advantages. 
For philanthropic tools giving entitlement to a tax reduction, for each donation made, the King Baudouin Foundation issues a dedicated tax receipt by post or e-mail (provided that the Foundation has the donor's e-mail address).
Full details of the tax reduction are available on the Dutch tax authorities’ website
Dutch donations to certain projects, such as a ‘Friends of’ Fund, a European Friends Fund, an International Friends Fund, a project account, a cultural patronage account for the performing arts/museums and a solidarity account for schools, are not eligible for a tax certificate issued by the King Baudouin Foundation. Belgian organisations are invited to register as ANBI.

Would you like to receive a duplicate of your certificate? 
Would you like to contact us about your tax certificate?  

You can contact us by e-mail at or by telephone on +32 2 500 54 00.


Tax regulations in France

By virtue of an authorisation issued by the French Ministry of the Economy, the King Baudouin Foundation is able to issue official tax certificates to French donor taxpayers, under the same conditions as a Foundation recognised as being in the public interest in France.
Donors established in France who wish to make a donation to or via the King Baudouin Foundation can benefit from certain tax advantages. Depending on the type of donation and the projects supported, the King Baudouin Foundation issues a tax receipt entitling the donor to various tax reductions, provided they comply with French tax legislation, including all French tax laws relating to territoriality: 

  • Reduction in income tax, corporation tax or property wealth tax:

- Named fund
- Corporate fund
- Charity Account
- Donors’ circle

  •  Reduction in income tax and corporation tax: 

- SME philanthropic action
- Individual philanthropic action

For each donation made, the King Baudouin Foundation sends a dedicated tax receipt by post or e-mail (provided that the Foundation has the donor’s e-mail address).
Full details of the tax reduction are available on the French tax authorities’ website. 
French donors wishing to support certain projects such as a ‘Friends of’ Fund, a European Friends Fund, an International Friends Fund, a project account, a cultural patronage account for the performing arts/museums and a solidarity account for schools are invited to use the Transnational Giving Europe network to make their donation, and not to go through the King Baudouin Foundation.

Would you like to receive a duplicate tax receipt? 
Would you like to contact us about your tax receipt?  

You can contact us by e-mail at or by telephone on +32 2 500 54 00.


Tax regulations in Denmark

Under the Danish Tax Assessment Act – Ligningslovens § 8A od 12, stk.3, the King Baudouin Foundation is authorised to issue tax receipts to donors resident in Denmark.
Donors established in Denmark who wish to make a donation to or via the King Baudouin Foundation can benefit from certain tax advantages. 
For each donation made, the King Baudouin Foundation sends a dedicated tax certificate by post or e-mail (provided that the Foundation has the donor’s e-mail address). This tax certificate asks Danish donors to provide their civil registration number to the King Baudouin Foundation, which is responsible for declaring donations to the Danish tax authorities. Danish donors cannot declare their donations themselves on their tax returns.
Full details of the tax reduction are available on the Danish tax authorities’ website

Danish donations to certain projects, such as a ‘Friends of’ Fund, a European Friends Fund, an International Friends Fund, a project account, a cultural sponsorship account for the performing arts/museums and a solidarity account for schools, are not eligible for a tax certificate issued by the King Baudouin Foundation. Belgian organisations are invited to register directly with the Danish authorities.

Would you like to receive a duplicate of your certificate? 
Would you like to contact us about your tax certificate?  

You can contact us by e-mail at or by telephone on +32 2 500 54 00.


Other European countries - TGE

Generosity does not stop at a country’s borders. The King Baudouin Foundation offers an international gateway to supporting public interest projects in Europe.
The Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) network, coordinated by the King Baudouin Foundation, enables you to make a cross-border donation to projects in many European countries and benefit from tax relief. Conversely, organisations and associations in Belgium can collect donations in other European countries. Donations made by European donors are tax-deductible, in accordance with the legislation in force in the countries concerned. 
Non-Belgian donors wishing to support a ‘Friends of’ fund, project account, cultural patronage account for the performing arts/museums and solidarity account for schools are still invited to use the Transnational Giving Europe network in order to benefit from tax relief.

Donations outside Europe - Myriad

Generosity does not stop at a country’s borders. 
We offer you an international gateway that enables you not only to support public interest projects beyond national borders, but also to extend your fundraising activities internationally. Myriad’s cross-border giving alliance with our ‘family’, Myriad USA and Myriad CANADA, and our partnership with Give2Asia, a US-based charity with offices in Hong Kong SAR and Australia, facilitates and encourages cross-border giving worldwide.

Inspiring engagement!

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