
How can we help you?

Have a look at our FAQs (questions & answers), grouped by subject.


Would you like to be part of the KBF?

We always need great new talent!

If you can’t find an answer to your question:

Send us your question or remark using our contact form:

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What do we do with your information?

The King Baudouin Foundation respects the legislation regarding personal data protection.

More info

Call our contact centre:

  • on +32 2 500 4 555
  • workdays between 9 am and 5 pm

Our offices

Our main offices are in Brussels:

King Baudouin Foundation
Rue Brederode 21
1000 Brussels, Belgium

We are also happy to see you in our 'local hubs':

Hub East Flanders
Markt 43
9700 Oudenaarde
Stefanie Albers
0478 99 01 97

Hub West Flanders
Minister Tacklaan 85
8500 Kortrijk
Jan Despiegelaere
0473 70 15 18

Hub Ostbelgien
Freddy Genten
0472 94 15 59

Hub Liège
La Grand Poste
Quai sur Meuse,19
4000 Liège
Hélène De Coninck
02 549 02 53

How to get to the Foundation’s main office

By public transport

  • Train (to Brussels Central train station)
  • Tram 92 or 94 (to Royale)
  • Metro lines 2 and 6 (to Trône or Porte de Namur)
  • Bus 27, 38, 71 or 95 (to Royale); bus 12, 21, 27, 34, 38, 54, 80 or 95 (to Trône); bus 34, 54, 71 or 80 (to Porte de Namur).

By car

  • Follow direction Bruxelles Centre
  • Take the inner ring road (R20)
  • Exit at Porte de Namur or Place du Trône
  • Public car parking is available at Parking Deux Portes (entrance at Porte de Namur).

By bike

A covered cycle park is available behind our offices.

Our renovated office building in Rue Brederode, Brussels

The King Baudouin Foundation has been awarded the two-star ‘Eco-dynamic enterprise’ label in recognition of the quality of its environmental management.

We now work in a renovated, low-energy building (with energy consumption of 30kWh per square metre). Our offices have also been certified neutral in CO2 emissions.

Our banking details

IBAN BE10 0000 0000 0404
0415.580.365 RPM Brussels
TVA: BE0415580365
Foundation of public utility

Donations of 40 euros or more to the King Baudouin Foundation are entitled to a tax reduction of 45% of the
amount effectively donated and are certified by a tax certificate issued by the Foundation.