Gent University
Steun aan het onderzoeksproject "A Novel Training Method to Reduce Fall Risk in People with Parkinson’s Disease: The Role of the Balance Organ" dat zal worden gerealiseerd door Prof. Patrick Santens / Soutien au projet de recherche "A Novel Training Me...
Novel Training Method to Reduce Fall Risk in People with Parkinson’s Disease: The Role of the Balance Organ falls during walking are common in people with Parkinson's Disease (PD). This project will be realised by Prof. Patrick Santens, Ghent University, with the support of the Fund Druwe-Eerdekens, the Fund Van Ael and the Vlaamse Parkinsonliga.
€ 140,000Falls during walking are common in people with Parkinson's Disease (PD). Fall risk can be attributed in part to the loss of automaticity in walking and an increased reliance on sensory cues, such as the input from the balance organ. In this project we want to assess the effectiveness of rehabilitation training aiming to improve this vestibular input. The effects of a visual perturbation training in a virtual reality environment will be compared to conventional treadmill training. This project will be realised by Prof. Patrick Santens, Ghent University with the support of the Fund Druwe-Eerdekens, the Fund Van Ael and the Vlaamse Parkinsonliga.