Fundamental research on the mechanisms of pediatric cancers
Call for fundamental research on the mechanisms of pediatric cancers with clinical translation
What is it about?
The call for fundamental research on the mechanisms of pediatric cancers with clinical translation is launched by the Funds Simon Bauvin, Christian Lispet, Rosa Meynen, Denise Raes and Alice Sepulchre.
The introduced research project aims to improve the understanding of pediatric tumor biology, including (but not limited to) studies on genetic change, signaling pathways and tumor microenvironment. The project should be specific to pediatric cancers and include clear perspectives for applications in medicine.
Collaborations between laboratory scientists and clinicians are strongly encouraged.
Who is it for?
The call is open to young post-doctoral researchers (maximum 8 years of active research activities (with an additional time for documented career break) following their PhD thesis public defense), working full-time or at least 50% of their time within a university or research center in Belgium and collaborating with clinic researchers. Collaborative projects are encouraged. Projects that involve collaboration between research teams internationally must be initiated and coordinated by the team based in Belgium.
How to submit an application?
Make sure you are eligible for this call for projects.
Connect up to your account via, or create an account if this is your first application.
Complete the application form online (you can take your time and do it in several stages if you like).
When your application has been fully completed, send it in.
We will send you a confirmation by e-mail, as well as a pdf of your application.