WWF Belgium
Safeguarding the last population of Mekong dolphins in Cambodia

€ 20,000WWF is seeking to reduce the most significant threat to the Mekong dolphin & fish populations: illegal and unsustainable fishing techniques (electric fishing, explosives, & gill nets).
WWF’s theory of change posits that the application of strategic levers (efficient law enforcement, community environmental outreach, alternative livelihoods, and dolphin population research & monitoring) – will result in stabilizing the population of Mekong dolphin and local fish stocks, thereby improving the quality and sustainability of lives and livelihoods of the many communities that depend on the Mekong River.
The first two strategic levers (law enforcement and environmental outreach) represent the priority outcomes of the proposed project. This work involves close partnership with fisheries communities, as well as provincial authorities, river patrol guards, and other stakeholders.