Rode kruis Vlaanderen
Hygiënepromotie en waterpunten voor dorpen, zorgcentra en scholen in Rwanda / Promotion de l'hygiène et points d'eau pour les villages, centres de santé et écoles au Rwanda
Red Cross (Flanders, FW-B and Rwanda) initiative committed to providing water for 3,011 families (women and children) and hygiene sensitization (WASH) for 17,235 people.
€ 40,000Red Cross-Flanders (RKV), together with its partners, the Rwandan Red Cross (RRCS) and Croix-Rouge de Belgique-Communauté francophone (CRB-Cf), will build water points in rural areas in Rwanda (Rwamagana and Kayonza Districts). These water points serve as a water supply for the local population, three health centers and two schools. This will give 3,011 families access to clean water. The project also finances the sensitization of 17,235 people about water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH).