Städtische Grundschule Eupen Oberstadt
St. Josefsheim, Eupen
€ 2,000The generation bridge connects young and old. It enables encounters, regular interaction and moments of happiness across age boundaries and thus promotes a more conscious relationship between the generations.
To enable the children of SGO Eupen to have enriching experiences with elderly people in need of care, we organise encounters based on the Generationsbrücke Deutschland concept together with the St Joseph retirement home in Eupen.
In this context, the children can come into contact with elderly people in a playful way and learn more about this generation and ageing in our society. The children taking part in the project benefit from the life experience of the senior citizens and experience appreciation and recognition through them. The encounters allow them to develop their social skills and break down any existing prejudices and fears of contact. The children learn about the need for care, dementia and death as part of life; they are accompanied and supported by trained staff (carers and teachers).
The nursing home residents experience a special change in their everyday lives thanks to the infectious liveliness of their young visitors. At the same time, they also experience appreciation and recognition from the children. The encounters also enable them to integrate into society.