Antwerp University Hospital
Serpina3 in anthracycline related cardiovascular dysfunction - SPHERICON

€ 149,670The last decades, treatment options and outcome for cancer patients have improved.
However, many patients, especially lymphoma and breast cancer patients, are stll being
treated with anthracyclines and are at risk for cardiovascular side effects, such as heart failure.
It remains difficult to predict which patient will develop side effects; conversely, early
treatment is key. Previous work has indicated that a novel blood-derived marker, SERPINA3,
increases in patients with heart failure. Furthermore, our group recently demonstrated that
breast cancer patients with cardiovascular toxicity after anthracyclines have increased levels
of SERPINA3 in their blood as well.
The current project entails a prospective study in lymphoma patients receiving anthracycline
treatment. We will determine both cardiovascular function and SERPINA3 levels before and
after treatment. More specifically, we will perform cardiac ultrasound and a novel, painless
and non-invasive technique to study the function of the endothelium, the inner layer of the
blood vessels, in the eye with flicker light. A proportion of these patients will develop
cardiotoxicity following anthracycline treatment and they will be followed up during treatment
with heart failure drugs. In parallel, we will study cardiovascular and endothelial function, and
the levels of SERPINA3 in an experimental mouse model treated with heart failure drugs in the
prevention and treatment of cardiotoxicity after anthracyclines.