Over 800,000 euros for cycling infrastructure in Brussels - The Bikes in Brussels Fund is supporting 10 new projects

Widening part of the cycle path on the Boulevard du Souverain, a cycle crossing to link up the VUB and ULB campuses, road markings for local cycle itineraries, didactic bicycle racks, secured cycle parking in schools, at associations, a youth centre and a health centre among others. Ten new projects destined to improve the cycling infrastructure of Brussels, thanks to support amounting to 804,817 euros from the Bikes in Brussels Fund, managed by the King Baudouin Foundation. The call for projects is still open, so applications for new projects can be sent in any time.
Smoother traffic flow, cleaner air and a more pleasant and calmer city. All of this together thanks to a much greater use of bikes in Brussels. The use of bicycles in our capital is a real success story. According to the latest figures from Bruxelles Mobilité, there was a 64% increase in the number of cyclists in 2020, an upward trend that the Bikes in Brussels Fund obviously intends to continue supporting. Created in 2018, within the King Baudouin Foundation, the Fund gives its support to initiatives of all sizes – small, medium and larger projects – set up by associations, government bodies and cooperations of private and public partners, to improve cycling infrastructure and equipment in Brussels. The objective is clear: to enable more people to opt for the bicycle as the preferred way of getting around, safely and effectively, in and to the Brussels-Capital Region.
Ten new projects
With the ten new projects that have just been selected, the Bikes in Brussels Fund will have supported 37 cycling-related projects to date, amounting to a total of almost 3.5 million euros. Below is a brief description of the latest project winners:
• Straddling Woluwe-Saint-Pierre and Auderghem, Bruxelles Mobilité will renovate one of the oldest and most emblematic cycle paths of Brussels. Located on the Boulevard du Souverain, the renovated part will be widened from the current 2m to 4m, which will enable cyclists to overtake or pass each other with ease. The cycle path’s ochre-coloured surface, which is the colour adopted for the new cycle paths, as well as its central path markings will contribute to better legibility and security. To conduct this project, Bruxelles Mobilité is granted 350,000 euros.
• In Ixelles, the VUB has been awarded 280,390 euros in support to make a cycle crossing to link up the VUB and ULB campuses and install covered and secured cycle parking. This cycle infrastructure and equipment, which are being installed as part of constructing the LIC (Learning & Innovation Center), will benefit students as well as lecturers, staff and visitors to the two campuses.
• The commune of Forest will make road markings for the commune’s cycle itineraries so as to make them more visible and legible for cyclists. It will also install cycle racks in the shape of a car close to ten of the commune’s schools, each of which will provide parking for ten cycles. The commune will receive 40,750 euros in support for this project.
• In Schaerbeek, the De Muziekladder primary school will receive support of 30,000 euros in order to install cycle parking for the pupils, teachers and other visitors to the school and to the J.H. Fiocco Music Academy.
• And still in Schaerbeek, the Maison Médicale Le Noyer will receive support of 15,000 euros to install two cycle shelters for use by the staff and patients who come by cycle. This is in line with the centre’s philosophy of promoting healthy living.
• The commune of Watermael-Boitsfort will install covered cycle parking for ten cycles in each of two schools, the Ecole des Cèdres and the Ecole de la Sapinière. Both of the schools wish to encourage ‘soft mobility’ among the pupils and members of staff. The commune has received a grant of 28,000 euros from the Bikes for Brussels Fund for this project.
• In Evere, the Collège Fra-Angelico is receiving 26,336 euros in support to create cycle parking infrastructure that guarantees bike security for the pupils, teachers and members of staff. This is part of the college’s Eco-team project, one of whose principles is ecology in all its forms (soft mobility, zero waste etc.).
• In Uccle, the Institut Royal pour Sourds et Aveugles (IRSA) will install three new covered and secured cycle parkings for members of staff. The IRSA is receiving 22,535 euros from the Bikes in Brussels Fund in support for the project. This will complete the first module, already installed in the crèche of ‘Le Petit Prince’ which is part of the institute.
• Also in Uccle, the Les Cailloux association will receive support of 6,000 euros to install secured spaces for the personnel’s cycles. This is part of a larger project to raise awareness about soft mobility among the association’s staff and beneficiaries.
• In Anderlecht, the Maison de Jeunes Rezolution will create parking facilities for 20 cycles, thanks to receiving support of 5,806 euros from the Bikes in Brussels Fund. This infrastructure is part of a larger project aimed at helping those from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds to discover the pleasure and practice of cycling.
If you would like to have more information about any of these projects, please don’t hesitate to contact Cathy Verbyst (verbyst.c@kbs-frb.be, 02 549 02 78, 0478 75 01 41). We will be delighted to put you in contact with the relevant organisations.