The Bikes in Brussels Fund has been boosting cycling in Brussels for 5 years.

For five years, the Bikes in Brussels Fund, managed by the King Baudouin Foundation, has been giving a significant push to the development of cycling in and to the Brussels-Capital Region. The Fund was established at the end of 2018 to encourage Brussels residents, commuters, and visitors to choose the bicycle as their preferred mode of transport. During this time, the Fund has already supported 110 projects that improve cycling infrastructure, for a total amount of 7.1 million euros. Projects such as creating secure parking spaces, (re)designing bike paths, or installing bike repair workshops contribute to smoother, safer, and more efficient cycling mobility in Brussels, benefiting everyone. Today, the Fund invites the authors of other infrastructures to make them known, as they also contribute to a more comfortable and thus attractive cycling experience.
Cycling in Brussels has seen remarkable growth: according to the Brussels Bicycle Observatory, the number of cyclists in the capital has quintupled between 2010 and 2023, with a notable acceleration in the past three years. This growth, as well as investments in cycling infrastructure, benefits not only cyclists but also all residents, commuters, and visitors to the capital by providing them with a healthier and more pleasant living environment.
The Bikes in Brussels Fund, managed by the King Baudouin Foundation, actively supports this dynamic by helping to realise concrete projects to improve cycling infrastructure, thanks to a project call that is open all year round. In all corners of the Brussels-Capital Region, the supported initiatives have enabled associations, governments, schools, sports clubs, municipalities, hospitals, etc., to improve their cycling infrastructure or equipment.
Key figures
In five years, the Bikes in Brussels Fund has:
• Supported 110 projects for sustainable cycling infrastructures of small, medium, or large scale;
• In 18 Brussels municipalities, ensuring a good distribution across the entire region;
• Created 5,366 parking spaces to securely store bicycles;
• (Re)designed 35 bike paths for smooth and safe traffic flow;
• Built 2 iconic bike bridges, one in Jette (Jeanne Partous bike and pedestrian bridge, efficiently connecting Jette with Ganshoren) and another in Tervuren (over the Quatre-Bras), to facilitate strategic connections;
• Created 7 bike repair workshops and bike libraries to maintain the use of bicycles.
Discover all supported achievements at
Bikes in Brussels Awards
The Bikes in Brussels Fund complements its action by launching the 'Bikes in Brussels Awards' today, a call to reward exemplary projects of existing cycling infrastructures and encourage new initiatives for cycling facilities in the Brussels-Capital Region.
The initiatives eligible must:
• Be sustainable cycling infrastructures and/or facilities (e.g., bike parking, bike paths, bike bridges...), accessible to everyone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
• Have an exemplary character and a significant impact on cycling mobility;
• Have been realised after January 1, 2023, and be open to the public by January 1, 2025, at the latest;
• Be supported and financed by associations, governments, or private or public partners.
There will be several prizes awarded per category:
• Bike parking: up to €25,000
• Bike paths, streets, and bike routes: up to €100,000
• Bike bridges, tunnels, or fast bike routes: up to €250,000
The financial rewards can be freely used to improve the awarded infrastructures and enhance their use, or to contribute to other projects benefiting cycling mobility in the Brussels-Capital Region.
Candidatures must be submitted before March 25 via
After the 'Bikes in Brussels Awards', the Bikes in Brussels Fund will launch a new project call to stimulate and support new, sustainable cycling infrastructures that still need to be created.
More information and the complete criteria and selection procedure are available at: and