Call for projects
Funds for research on multiple myeloma
Clinical research on multiple myeloma
For this call for projects, it is no longer possible to submit an application
What is it about?
The Funds Paul & Claire Damen-Huart, Jos & Marie-Thérèse De Brauwere-Van Laeken and René support medical research on multiple myeloma.
Significant progress has been achieved in characterising the disease's molecular pathways through fundamental research. However focus on clinical research is necessary. To encourage young clinicians (arts/master en médecine) to develop their own clinical research line into multiple myeloma, the Funds are launching this joint call.
A total amount of €75.000 is made available to support one research project for a maximum of two years.
For general information
KBF Contact Center
For specific details
Nisrine El Mesbahi