The National Domestic Workers Welfare Trust
Ensuring decent work for domestic workers in India through economic empowerment and policy formulation

€ 38,115With this project, the NDWWT aims to ensure decent working conditions for domestic workers, to empower them to protect themselves from exploitation and abuse; to assert their rights and enhance their negotiation skills, individually and collectively; to organise and claim their rights and to gain full access to government benefits and social entitlements.
The project is an attempt to deepen NDWWT’s efforts to enhance the sustainable capacity development and strengthening of domestic workers who are affected by the aftermath of Covid-19 crisis, to carry out socio-economic activities and manage the cooperative societies which are registered and are in the process of registration.
The project aims to intensify NDWWT’s work accompaniment of domestic workers to ensure that they collectively rise as empowered leaders through the co-operative societies which are vehicles for economic, social and political empowerment.