Emerging voices

Develop the talent of engaged young people.

From changemakers to future leaders: lots of young people are fully committed to building a fair, more inclusive society. This programme supports them in their plans and actions. We offer them a unique platform where they can not only exchange ideas and thoughts, but take action too, as well as inspire and raise awareness among both young people and policymakers. Young people whose voice is seldom heard will also be given the chance to enrich the public debate.

By bringing engaged young people together and giving them the opportunities they deserve, we can bolster our network of alumni. By doing so, we intend to create a strong community that actively contributes to our mission: a better society in Belgium, Europe and the rest of the world. .

Emerging voices in brief

  • We are developing a platform for the future, where engaged young people can inspire one another.
  • We support campaigns in which young people inspire one another and the leaders of today.
  • We are building a caring network of future leaders and change makers.

Emerging voices is part of the programme Education and development of talents


Funds and philanthropic tools