Werken in een meer circulaire economie - Horizon 2035
According to the method of ‘foresight scenarios', a Creative group of professionals with various expertises develops scenarios for a circular employment market

What is it about?
Our economy will be more circular in the future. This is necessary to respond to the environmental, economic and social challenges we face. This change will lead to a profound reversal of our models of production and consumption, to a reform of business, of the way in which activity is organised in general. Our jobs, professions and activities will undoubtedly change too.
All these themes have been considered by a Creative group, assembled by the King Baudouin Foundation, during a series of four workshops.
This group is made up of 28 people active in Belgium who are directly or indirectly involved in the subject and reflects :
- the complexity of our subject (labour market, climate, HR, digitalisation, raw materials, etc.);
- the diversity of actors involved (social partners, large companies, SMEs, start-ups, federations, social economy, civil society, public authorities, universities, etc.);
- a good balance in terms of gender, generations, language, .....
Their work was structured according to the methodology of 'future-oriented scenarios'. This approach has amply proved its worth in the strategic reflections of organisations. The end result is a collection of four different scenarios, each with its own insights and implications, presented in a final report.