Multiple Sclerosis Research
Improving the quality of care and the quality of life of patients with Multiple Sclerosis and their relatives
What is it about?
The Funds Claire Fauconnier, Ginette Kryksztein, Joseph & Marie-Jeanne Philippart-Hoffelt, and Denise Seres Dit Batist were created to support multiple sclerosis (MS) research.
Each year, more than 430 patients are diagnosed with MS in Belgium. To address this, the Funds have decided to launch a joint call aimed at improving the daily lives of patients and their relatives. The focus is on alleviating the physical and psychological disturbances caused by MS, as well as preventing its potential physical and psychosocial consequences.
Interested? Check out the selection criteria to make sure you are eligible for this call and apply before the 24th September.
How to submit an application?
Make sure you are eligible for this call for projects.
View the selection criteria -
Connect up to your account via, or create an account if this is your first application.
Complete the application form online (you can take your time and do it in several stages if you like).
When your application has been fully completed, send it in.
We will send you a confirmation by e-mail, as well as a pdf of your application.