Jacqueline Delcourt-Nonkels (Fund)
The annual Jacqueline Nonkels Prize supports the preservation and valorization of Belgian surrealist heritage.

What is it about?
Jacqueline Nonkels knew all of the members of the surrealist movement in Belgium but she was particularly close to Marcel Mariën and René Magritte. She created the Jacqueline Delcourt-Nonkels Fund with the aim of preserving and making accessible to everyone the drawings of René Magritte and the collages of Marcel Mariën, as well as the correspondence, photos, books and other objects relating to the surrealist movement in Belgium in her possession. According to her wishes, these objects and documents were to be entrusted to the Belgian institutions best suited to preserving and exhibiting them.
In her memory, the Jacqueline Nonkels Prize was created. The prize is awarded annually to any person or legal entity that successfully contributes, even partially, to the knowledge, preservation, restoration, conservation and promotion of surrealist heritage in Belgium.