Action Damien
« Intensification du dépistage et du suivi des malades de la lèpre, ulcère de Buruli, Pian et de la tuberculose dans la province de l’Equateur en RD Congo
€ 138,950Tuberculosis, a communicable disease, is a major public health problem in the world and in the DRC. In terms of TB disease burden, the DRC ranks 9th in the world and 2nd in Africa behind Nigeria. This poverty-related disease is often the cause of stigmatisation and discrimination of those affected.
Leprosy is also still present in the DRC, being the second most common disease in Africa.
This project aims to improve the detection and management of tuberculosis, leprosy and other neglected tropical skin diseases (Buruli ulcer and yaws) in the 18 Health Zones of Equateur Province.
It is integrated into the intervention activities of the NGO Action Damien through training, screening campaigns, targeted care...
With the support of the Père Roulling Fund, the Maria Moulliard Fund, the Guido Heyrbaut Fund, the Marcel and Jeannine Verschaeve-Louage Fund, the Richard Depasse Fund, the JMJS Breugelmans Fund, the Yvette Barrier Fund, the Marie-Henriette Fund, the Henriette De Laat Fund, the Van der Poorten-Vermeiren Fund, and the Agnes Demuynk Fund.