The Bikes in Brussels Fund has allocated over 1.15 million euros to ten new cycle projects in and to Brussels

The development of the new cycle bridge at the Quatre-Bras crossroads, which will link Flanders and Brussels, will benefit from almost 500,000 euros in support from the Bikes in Brussels Fund, managed by the King Baudouin Foundation. The Fund is also providing support for the creation of new cycle paths in the communes of Molenbeek-Saint-Jean and Jette, as well as seven projects for cycle shelters and parking in schools, hospitals, sports clubs and associations. The call for projects remains open, so applications for new projects can be made at any time!
More free-flowing traffic, cleaner air and a more pleasant and friendly city… All of this thanks to more cycling in Brussels. In order to enable more people to opt for using their bike as their preferred means of getting around in and to Brussels-Capital Region, the Bikes in Brussels Fund, created in 2018 within the KBF, supports practical initiatives designed to improve cycling infrastructure and equipment in Brussels. To date, the Fund has already supported 73 projects (small, medium and large-scale), amounting to a total of over 5.3 million euros. We are pleased to present the latest 10 projects selected.
A cycle bridge at Quatre-Bras
As part of its ‘Work on the Ring’ (Werken aan de ring), the Flemish Agency Werkvennootschap foresees a number of projects designed to extend and improve the cycling infrastructure relating to the Brussels Ring road. The objective is to provide an alternative for commuters who wish to travel from the Flemish Region to the Brussels-Capital Region in a fast, safe and free-moving manner. The Bikes in Brussels Fund is committing 494,802 euros, equivalent to 1/5th of the amount involved in creating the new cycle bridge, which will pass over the Quatre-Bras crossroads. Cyclists coming from Tervuren, Overijse, or further afield, will therefore be able to use the new bridge to link up with the recently renovated cycle path that runs along the Avenue de Tervuren to the centre of Brussels.
New cycle paths
Eager to create connections between its existing cycle paths, the commune of Molenbeek-Saint-Jean is benefitting from support of 376,185 euros from the Bikes in Brussels Fund to create a separate cycle path in the pavement of the Rue de l’Indépendance. This development is aimed particularly at less experienced cyclists who nevertheless want to move around by bike in total safety and separated from the automobile traffic. It will enable the establishment of a safe cycle link as far as the D10 cycle path along the canal, which is an important axis of entry and exit from Brussels, which serves several communes.
The Fund is also providing support worth 151,800 euros, for the creation of cycle paths along the Avenue du Sacré-Cœur in Jette, which is part of the Regional Route 12b linking Wemmel to the city centre. This project also aims to install cycle paths protected from the automobile traffic. Since the school centre of Sacré-Cœur de Jette is also close by, the objective is also to encourage schoolchildren to get to school by bike.
Cycle shelters
Seven other projects for cycle parking in five Brussels communes, are also benefitting from support from the Bikes in Brussels Fund, representing a total of 143,468 euros. This is destined for cycle parking and shelters that will be installed at the Joseph Bracops Hospital (Anderlecht), the Royal Charles-Quint Tennis Club (Ganshoren), the Bois de la Cambre Tennis Club, the Archipel 19 Culturel Centre (Berchem-Sainte-Agathe), the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts (Etterbeek), the Collège Saint-Pierre and the Sint-Pieterscollege (Jette). As essential structures in the city, they are aimed at encouraging various groups (employees, students, teachers, visitors and members etc.) to use their bikes to get to and from the organisations concerned.
For further information
Please find attached a document giving an overview of these ten projects and contact details for each one. Please do not hesitate to contact the project leaders to get more information.
The Bikes in Brussels Fund is ongoing! So applications for support for projects can be made all through the year.
The Fund is open to receive donations from private citizens, businesses and organisations wishing to contribute to the Fund’s mission of supporting efforts to provide development and equipment for cycle mobility in and to the Brussels-Capital Region.