2025 Ernest Solvay Fund
Fostering STEM Education, Planet progress and better life for communities around Solvay
What is it about?
The Ernest Solvay Fund offers financial support to initiatives in 3 areas:
1. STEM education
2. Planet progress
3. Better Life
Applications for support can be submitted by completing the online form in the language of the form. The form must be completely filled in as requested.
In autumn, the Fund's Management Committee will meet to select initiatives that are in line with the Fund's objectives.
The results of the selection of this call will be known on December 19'th 2025.
Who is it for?
Any organization implementing a non-commercial project that 1. helps to promote and encourage the choice of scientific/technological (STEM) education/studies among young people. This concerns Science (mainly chemistry, physics and earth sciences), Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Digital education is also included. 2. Works on biodiversity, energy transition, water purity and depollution. 3. Cares for physical, psychosocial & financial safety for Solvay’s communities. Organizations which enter a project must implement their project within a 100 km radius of an industrial site of Solvay. Administrative and commercial sites are not eligible. To examine your eligibility, please refer to the attachment in the selection criteria.
How to submit an application?
Make sure you are eligible for this call for projects.
Connect up to your account via https://candidate.kbs-frb.be, or create an account if this is your first application.
Complete the application form online (you can take your time and do it in several stages if you like).
When your application has been fully completed, send it in.
We will send you a confirmation by e-mail, as well as a pdf of your application.