2025 Prince Albert Fund
The Fund offers a grant to young university graduates to manage a one-year business development project outside Europe for a Belgian company.
What is it about?
The Prince Albert Fund is a leading non-profit organisation dedicated to helping young talented Belgian professionals acquire experience in conducting international projects. Since 1984 we have selected over 500 candidates for a work position abroad, enabling them to develop skills and gain invaluable experience.
This placement process has also given more than 200 Belgian companies a highly effective recruitment solution, providing talented and motivated candidates to manage their business development abroad at a very reasonable cost.
What we do?
Every year we offer about 30 selected young high potentials under 30 a grant of € 27,500 to manage a 12-month business project outside Europe for a Belgian company.
How it works?
Applicants go through an in-depth selection process to ensure their quality as candidates. Once selected for a Grant, they receive personal training on leadership skills. Candidates can then choose a company, project and destination, either an opportunity from one of our companies, or from their own contacts. We help them further in the process and match-making and monitor their progress during the year to make sure they succeed in their projects and deliver real added-value to the companies.
Click here to download the slides from the infosession.