Tout Pour Être Heureux (Fonds)
Let's give our young people more of a future by developing their psychosocial skills so they can face the challenges of everyday life and prevent risky behaviour

What is it about?
#OurFutures, let's give our young people more futures.
Together, let's take action for today's young people and tomorrow's adults.
Today, 1 in 4 young people is psychologically vulnerable¹. Young people are increasingly faced with isolation, violence, addiction and mental health problems...
Our approach is based on the development of psychosocial skills (PSC) or ‘Lifeskills’:
- Helps to break down barriers and avoid siloed actions.
- Has proven its effectiveness in promoting educational and social success.
- Recognised as a priority but still insufficiently deployed in educational structures.
This comprehensive approach makes it possible to address young people's emotional, social and behavioural issues simultaneously.
Our approach
Supporting three complementary areas of prevention that act on :
- The individual and his or her specific areas of vulnerability: stress, anxiety, etc.
- The environment, including the family and school
- Behaviour and relationships with substances
What are the objectives?
- In schools and other places where young people are socialised: increase the number of psychosocial skills development programmes and train teachers, educators and educational teams.
- In families: disseminate educational tools and games, facilitate guidance and peer support, encourage dialogue between parents and their children on risky behaviour.
- In the public debate and in the field: promote the need to cultivate psychosocial skills and scientifically measure their role in prevention.
¹ 25% of pupils present a state of stress or anxiety according to the EcolHuma Observatory, 2023.