Iles de Paix
Tidisaati: Renforcement de la résilience des familles de producteurs des communes de Cobly, Matéri et Boukoumbé, au Bénin
Strengthen the food security and resilience of producer families in northern Benin (Cobly, Matéri, Boukombé).

€ 20,000Iles de Paix started the Tidisaati ("Food Availability" in local language) programme in January 2020 for a period of 3 years.
The overall objective of the programme is to strengthen the resilience of producer families in the communes of Cobly, Matéri and Boukombé, in the northwestern part of the Atacora department. Specifically, the project aims to strengthen the food and nutritional security of the supported households.
With the support of the Louise Liégeois Fund.