Study on Belgian Impact Investing for Development 2018-2019
Results of a study on developments and trends in the Belgian Impact Investment for Development community, with data, facts and figures from 2016 to 2019
What is it about?
KBF has carried out an update of the 2016-2017 study on Belgian impact investing for development, incorporating the facts and figures for 2018-2019. The aim of this study is twofold: on the one hand, to raise awareness of Belgian impact investing for development in the sector and among decision-makers and the general public, and, on the other hand, to trigger meaningful debate on the current situation and the prospects of the sector.
The 2018-2019 update indicates that the Belgian landscape of impact investors for development remains diverse, encompassing both relatively small-scale and large investors, private investors and public institutions, operating under various legal forms. Thirteen organizations participated in the study, representing the full breadth of the domestic sector.