Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-FNRS
Speciale werkingstoelagen van de fondsen Suzanne Duchesne, Serge Rousseau en Dr. Jean Gérard / Subventions spéciales de fonctionnement des Fonds Suzanne Duchesne, Serge Rousseau et Dr. Jean Gérard
These operating grants for cancer research consist of an amount per researcher for the duration of their mandate, in addition to their basic operating grant.
€ 60,000Collaboration of the Funds S. Duchesne, S. Rousseau & Dr J. Gérard. Support allocated to Melina Vaurs (UCLouvain), Lorena Martin Morales (ULiège), Maurice Retout (ULB) and Johanne Grobois (ULB)
Support allocated by the Fund S. Duchesne to Claudio Alexandre Almeida Pinheiro (Ghent University) and Diana Campillo-Davo (Antwerp University)