Sophie Wittemans (Fonds)
The objective of the Fund is to encourage research into the history of Guiding and Scouting in Belgium, with a view to publications on the subject.

What is it about?
The objective of the Fund is to encourage research into the history of Guiding and Scouting in Belgium (including former colonies and other related entities such as the Belgian Forces in Germany), with a view to publications on the subject.
The Fund supports financially:
1) Research projects carried out by researchers of all nationalities, either individually or collectively. This research may cover all aspects of Belgian Guiding and Scouting in all its dimensions (local, regional, national, interfederal, etc.), including the international level.
2) Publication projects in any form (paper, audio, video, podcasts, etc.) of the results of research on Belgian scouting and guiding history carried out with or without the support of the Fund, in collaboration with publishers.