Benelux Afro Center
Projet d’intégration des jeunes désœuvrés de la Commune de Mangobo (Kisangani)

€ 40,000Benelux Afro Center (BAC), is an NGDO active in the DRC since 2007 in the health sector, and since 2015 in the environmental sector, particularly through the recycling of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment).
BAC sets up a deposit of obsolete (potential waste) in front of a network of young recyclers and designers, which will lead to green jobs and to the production of new products to be displayed and consumed by the community, at costs within everyone's reach. The ultimate goal is that the obsolete or cumbersome materials of companies, usually called waste, constitute a deposit of resources that is made available to young people to stimulate their imagination, creativity, and encourage them to create innovative items whose sales can help empower them, and finally to project themselves into the world of work.