Guide towards a single EU market for Philanthropy
Next step to a Single Market for Philanthropy
What is it about?
While the European Union emphasises free trade and a single market economy, cross-border philanthropy still faces serious challenges. Despite growing interest in giving to European causes and foreign charities, donors and beneficiaries still face significant administrative and tax obstacles. Where they exist, the legal requirements and costs associated with obtaining these incentives for the foreign donor or beneficiary often prove insurmountable. These barriers discourage cross-border giving, which has a serious impact on the not-for-profit sector and the European citizens it serves.
The King Baudouin Foundation and its partners officially launch the state-by-state guide “How to become a true European foundation in a (not yet) single market for philanthropy?” . This guide has been realised with 27 law firms and will provide a clear guidance on the process of becoming a registered NPO in each Member State and will provide a snapshot of the philanthropy landscape in Europe.
Summary report
Download summary report Cross border philanthropy here.