Artsen Zonder Vakantie
Doctors Without Vacation, Benin
€ 45,566Medics without Vacation is strengthening 5 hospitals in Benin, in the departments of Borgou, Collines and Donga. Each hospital defines its capacity-building programme in a participative manner, so that it can treat its patients with quality and satisfaction.
Thanks to the exchange of knowledge with the Medics without Vacation network, the hospital improves its (para)medical, technical and organisational capacities and plays a more effective role in the healthcare system. The network's health experts are (para)medical and technical professionals from Beninese and Belgian civil society, other hospitals and partner organisations such as the Institute of Tropical Medicine.
Capacity building will increase skills in diagnosing, treating and monitoring illnesses, as well as improving hygiene, waste management, biomedical equipment maintenance, hospital management and patient referral and counter-referral.