Business Partnership Facility - Enterprises for SDGs 2020B
Support for civil society enterprise partnerships engaged in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing countries, financed by the Belgian DG for Development.
What is it about?
On the initiative of, and with financing from the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGD), the Business Partnership Facility awards subsidies to support and develop private sector involvement in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing countries.The projects targeted by this call must contribute to achieving at least one clearly- identified SDG.The Facility aims to simultaneously achieve two types of result:• social impact: creation and maintenance of jobs, improvement in average income for families with low incomes, access to affordable goods and services for those on low incomes (by gender), inclusion and economic development of women and young people with low incomes, positive impact on the environment through saving resources, reducing emissions and by preserving biodiversity etc.;• economic viability: partnerships must clearly explain how the supported initiatives will become sustainable, present a competitive financial performance and show signs of potential scalability and replication.
This call for projects is planned for a period of 5 years so you can submit an application at any time. See “Timing” on the left to know the next deadline. After the preselection and ESG screening, we will forward the application forms to the independent selection committee which meets twice a year and makes the final selection.