Asociación CasaSito
Building a Healthy Coexistence: Preventive education against violence
Through educational activities on the themes of oppression, violence, mental health and emotional intelligence, the youth of Guatemala are trying to live together in peace.

€ 3,000CasaSito’s program will focus on implementing four activities:
- Theater of the Oppressed,
- Workshops focused on the issue of violence, an increasedproblem during the pandemic,.
- Debate Club in Educational Centers,
- Workshops for teachers focused on improving mental health, assertive communication and emotional intelligence.
The execution of these activities aims to provide tools that allow participants to acquire new knowledge and demolish learned thoughts that promote violence in a verbal, physical or psychological way. That in turn will help them to develop new skills such as critical thinking, empathy, communication skills, confidence to express their opinions, greater awareness of the suffering of others and the problems of their context.