Quindo Powerful Short Films Young people served by youth services are given the opportunity to make their own short films about growing up in their neighbourhood. Read more
Qworzó, Gemeentelijke Basisschool Merksplas Samen leren! (Learning together!) Communal blog GBS Qworzó and Collège Saint-Hubert, visits to each other’s school, educational language workshops, etc. Read more
Racynes Des vélos partagés pour les jeunes en formation et les jeunes hébergés chez Racynes. Read more
Racynes L'intersectorialité au service du jeune : renforcer davantage les relations entre les différents secteurs (Aide à la jeunesse, Santé mentale, Handicap) et développer des outils permettant de mutualiser les services et les ressources des partenaires. Read more
Raphel Etoyiva Abine Cameroon: sustainability of groundwater resources in urban areas Internship: challenges and management strategies related to groundwater pollution from domestic and industrial waste. Read more
Rataplan Welkom thuis in Rataplan: ecologisch en duurzaam participatief kunstenhuis van in de kelder tot op het dak dat de wijk en de stad verbindt Read more
Rebelle Sports and leisure equipment giveaway cabinet Providing (second-hand) leisure equipment for vulnerable families to increase the children's participation rate in leisure activities. Read more
Rebelle Shelters in Bevingen and Zoutleeuw Organising reading (aloud) moments for children and their parents to stimulate language development and their personal, cognitive, and emotional development. Read more
Rebron VZW Vzw Rebron Establishment of a centre of expertise to scale up buddy coaching for vulnerable youth. Read more
Recht op Migratie Housing for recognised refugees with children Payment of deposits to landlords, allocation of rent and installation allowances, subletting of rental properties, buddy system for practical support, etc. Read more
Reclaim Childhood Inc. Reclaim Childhood, Jordanië Football lessons for the empowerment of girls: developing skills, gender equality, etc. Read more
Red-Side Red-Side vzw Red-Side Academy: sports activities, outings, events, homework help, etc. for vulnerable young people from a diversity of backgrounds. Read more
RedO - Schouppe Nathalie Redo: raising awareness about revaluing fruit and vegetable scraps Redo inspires people to use the less common parts of vegetables, fruits and plants to reduce waste. Whatever remains is processed into plant food. Read more