ERAN Fonds voor Vrouwen
Support projects in Flanders and on the Indian subcontinent that give women and girls a voice, means, choices and opportunities to develop freely and confidently.

What is it about?
Eric Janssens and Anne Rasschaert have lived, worked and travelled for many years in Pakistan, India, the border territories of Afghanistan and the East. They found that women and girls in these regions are still disadvantaged and confronted with violence and poverty. As such, a large part of the population is socially marginalised.
This is why they established the ERAN Fund. The ERAN Fund’s priority is to contribute to a world in which women have a voice, the means, the choice and the opportunities to develop themselves freely and confidently. The Fund therefore supports initiatives that have a structural approach and impact on the economic, social and political empowerment and emancipation of women.
The focus is on social integration, physical and emotional integrity, training and education, equal rights and health. Thus, projects that provide legal assistance; offer safe shelter; develop support networks; and influence the behaviour of families and communities are eligible for support.
Geographically, preference is given to Flanders and, especially, the Indian subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, ...).