We contribute to building a better society in Belgium, Europe and elsewhere in the world.

We are part of the Myriad alliance for borderless giving that connects donors with trusted charities around the world to encourage, stimulate, and facilitate philanthropy.

Our impact in 2023

  • 133 million €
  • 4.460
    Individuals and organisations supported
  • 1.363
    Active Funds
  • 194
    Calls for projects

Calls for projects

2024 Ernest Solvay Fund

Promoting scientific and sustainable development, both in Belgium and abroad.

Soon to be closed!

Fund for Scientific Research in Rheumatology

Research in rheumatology

Soon to be closed!

Encouraging the creative projects of Brussels' population (for individuals)

Any person, group of people or community is invited to present the innovative and creative projects they want to develop in the Brussels area.


Find a call that suits your project

Inspiring engagement!

Rebuilding Hope in Türkiye after the 2023 devastating earthquakes

"After the earthquake, we were devastated both financially and emotionally. Here we are trying to rebuild our lives with your support. I feel stronger now, we are in great solidarity with my neighbors and the institutions that support us, and this is good for us."
Ms. Hacer
Victim of the earthquake in Türkiye

Cleaning up farming in Benin and the rest of Africa

To achieve that result, we had to convince farmers, because initially they were very hesitant to use the organic products.Today, they follow us, especially since they no longer have to wear protective clothing to avoid burns caused by the chemical products. BioPhyto products are better for their health and that of the population, which can now count on healthy and organic food. And that means great long-term progress for health, the environment and the economy."
Gildas Zodomè
Founder Bio Phyto

Four founders explain how the Business Partnership Facility supports their sustainable businesses in Rwanda and Senegal

“The relationship between funder and grantee is important,. Social entrepreneurs are passionate about what they do. Trust is critical in the sense of empowering implementers. I experienced that trust and that was empowering, the feeling that I have control to take decisions that I see are right for us.”
Yvette Ishimwe
Founder Iriba Water Group Rwanda

Publications and figures

Your Philanthropic engagement

Would you like to find a smart way to show your engagement ?

The Centre for Philanthropy can work out a tailored scheme for you. Our flexible schemes ensure maximum impact, while you stay in control.

"Philanthropy is not only reserved for the very wealthy. We can all do something in favour of the public interest.”
Peter Piot
Honorary President, The King Baudouin Foundation