Katholieke Universiteit Leuven The epigenetic landscape in osteoarthritis: Exploring key histone modifications using EpiTOF technology 2024 Leuven Santé Soutien 25.000 € Dans le cadre de Fonds pour la Recherche Scientifique en Rhumatologie Recherche en rhumatologie Lire la suite Ont aussi bénéficié d'un soutien UZ Gent Antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with systemic sclerosis: a cross-sectional study Lire la suite Universiteit Hasselt The pathological effect of a novel antibody, anti-UH-RA.329 antibody, predicting failure to respond to first-line therapy in RA patients, in a mouse model of arthritis. Lire la suite Vlaams Instituut Voor Biotechnologie (VIB) - Flanders Institute For Biotechnology "Smoking gun project": How T cell autoreactivity develops in early rheumatoid arthritis Lire la suite Restez informé.e des nouveaux individus ou organisations soutenus S’abonner à l’e-news
UZ Gent Antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with systemic sclerosis: a cross-sectional study Lire la suite
Universiteit Hasselt The pathological effect of a novel antibody, anti-UH-RA.329 antibody, predicting failure to respond to first-line therapy in RA patients, in a mouse model of arthritis. Lire la suite
Vlaams Instituut Voor Biotechnologie (VIB) - Flanders Institute For Biotechnology "Smoking gun project": How T cell autoreactivity develops in early rheumatoid arthritis Lire la suite