Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO)
Subventions supplémentaires pour des bourses postdoctorales FWO en oncologie
Support of young and promising researchers in oncology, in the form of special additional bench fees to a number of FWO postdoctoral fellowships (junior and senior).
1/ Ada Nowosad, KU Leuven (senior postdoc), project “Dissecting the cellular and molecular interaction networks that promote melanoma stemness at the perivascular niche” (30.000 euro);
2/ Myrthe Mampay, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (junior postdoc), project “MyeCellTherapy: A novel myeloid-based cell therapy for glioblastoma, using genetically enhanced iPSCs-derived macrophages (iGEMs)” (25.000 euro);
3/ Lien Lippens, Universiteit Gent (junior postdoc), project “Direct, rapid and sensitive sensing in body fluids to enable a fine-grained biomarker view on extracellular vesicles” (25.000 euro).